Wild bees are a precious natural resource we should celebrate and protect,” Ricketts says. “If managed with care, they can help us continue to produce billions of dollars in agricultural income and a wonderful diversity of nutritious food. Of particular concern, some crops most dependent…
Mr. Adee (pronounced Ay-Dee) is America’s largest beekeeper, and this is his busy season. Some 92,000 hives had to be deployed before those buds burst into blossom so that his bees could get to the crucial work of pollination. Whatever the reason, in the year…
Bumble bees are closely related to honey bees. Both are affected by various Nosema bacteria. What can we learn from the bumble bee research that can apply to honey bees? “We used molecular techniques to screen thousands of bumble bees to track Nosema infections before…
The horrific worst-case scenario: all bees are gone. What would the world do? Turn to robotic drones according to one Japanese researcher. The artificial pollinators described in today’s study are manually controlled via a remote control. In the future, the researchers hope to use a…
“Before conducting the experiment we thought the bees would have a much higher metabolism in degraded areas because they would need to travel further in search of food,” Professor Bradshaw said. “Surprisingly we found the opposite. The metabolic rate of bees in natural woodland was…
Our relationship with them began as early as the year 6000 BCE in Spain when humans began utilizing the fruits of their labor: since then, we’ve been taking advantage of their honey as a food source, medicine and form of currency, wax as a sealant…