According to a bee supplier out of Washington, two boxes of bees broke while in transit on Alaska Airlines and the company was told the airline would not be shipping any more bees this year.
It’s a shame. A package of bee must have broken open during the transport. We hope that an airline worker wasn’t stung in the process. For the most part, the workers will want to return to their cluster of bees, and to be close to the queen inside the package.
“It’s a heartbreaking loss, it’s a big financial loss for myself and for the supplier and it’s a major bummer for all the bee keepers, but I do believe we’re gonna be able to recover from this and figure it out,” Broumley said. “I’m hoping we can still get them up here safely and I’m 99 percent sure we can, it just might be different next year.”
Hopefully this won’t affect the beekeepers in Alaska too badly. From the article, it seems as if most of the bee packages are already transported to Alaska. We hope.
Read more here: Bee supplier says airline won’t ship more bees to Alaska after packages damaged