Cherokee Beekeepers Club / Appalachian Beekeepers Association of Georgia Joint Summer Field Trip/Picnic in Jasper
Saturday, June 15, 2019 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Location: Pickens County Chamber of Commerce, 500 Stegall Drive, Jasper, GA 30143
The Cherokee Beekeepers Club and the Appalachian Beekeepers Association of Georgia invite you and your friends to attend our annual summer picnic. BBQ meats and beverages will be provided. Non-members will pay $5 at the door for lunch or will have the option of paying $20 for membership with either club for the remainder of 2019; which includes lunch.
Hands on mite-related workshops from 10 am until noon
-including critical information for winter survival
-oxalic and formic acid application demos
-mite detection and control
-afternoon workshops to include honey extracting demonstration
-several walk-by and in-hive workshops
Please download either the one or two page flyer to post online, on bulletin boards at work, in stores, etc. Please make sure to obtain proper permission before hanging flyers.