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Subject: Honey Bee Removal and Control Workshop: June 8th in Cartersville.
To provide the highest level of consumer protection, the Georgia Structural Pest Control Commission updated the state regulations to create a state certification category for honey bee control and removal. Before the amendment, the regulations required a household pest control license to remove honey bee colonies from structures. This rule applies to the professional control and removal of an established colony in a structure.
Part of the state certification program requires attendance of an approved 8-hour training program. With this email we are inviting you to the Bartow County extension office on June 8, 2023 from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM to be part of this training. For more details about the 8-hour program contact the Bartow County Extension office at 770-387-5142. For more information about state certification, please review the Fact Sheet: https://agr.georgia.gov/sites/default/files/documents/pest-control/notice-21-03-honeybee-removal-fact-sheet.pdf or contact the Structural Pest Division of the Georgia Department of Agriculture Structural Pest Control | Georgia Department of Agriculture: http://agr.georgia.gov/structural-pest-control
More information is also included in the Honey Bee Control & Removal Manual.