Educational Classes Monthly Presentation

Cherokee Bee Club’s February Monthly Meeting Thursday, February 20th @ 7pm!

Beekeepers and those who would like to start:

Cherokee Beekeepers Club will meet February 20, 2025 at 7:00pm

Location: Canton Moose Lodge, 208 Moose Loop Rd. Canton, GA

Note: Enter by the Basement door at the north end of the building.

The current survival rate of bees in the USA is not acceptable with losses averaging over 50%.

Meeting topic will be Beating the Odds with Your Bees in North Georgia.

Being a part of a bee club is a great value to those who participate. The club is

In need of new leadership. If you are willing to be a part of a leadership team,

The club needs you. Knowing everything is not required. If interested, but unable

to attend, call me. 770-855-1698.

BJ Weeks