What an amazing study. Fascinating stuff. “One bee developed a straight route to a forage patch within four flights and followed this route exclusively for six days before abandoning it entirely for a closer location; this second location had not been visited since her first…
According to Chiarantona “[Westrich] said that one out of two things could have happened, the queen would have rested and gained energy and the swarm would’ve left in the morning, or they would have decided that the jet engine would be a great place to…
Still, there are only about 150 meaderies in the U.S. — whereas there are about 4,000 craft breweries. To gain a foothold with beer enthusiasts, Geffken is blurring the line between the two beverages. Right now, mead consumption is still limited primarily to wine enthusiasts,…
While experts welcome the rising national interest in beekeeping as a hobby, they warn that novices may be inadvertently putting their hives — and other hives for miles around — in danger by not keeping the bee mite population in check. Many hobbyists avoid mite…
There are so many factors involved in the decline of our hives, it’s important to keep a skeptical mindset but open to new innovations in honeybee care. Slava and Vera Strogolov think they’ve cracked the case: bees are digesting too many antibiotics. “We saw that…
What an amazing story about a relationship of cooperative hunting between two species: humans and the honeyguide. Scientists have determined that humans and their honeyguides communicate with each other through an extraordinary exchange of sounds and gestures, which are used only for honey hunting and…
Honeybees never cease to surprise me. There’s been a lot of study about their foraging habits on nectar and pollen, but very little done with honeybees and water storage. I highly recommend reading this article. After a day enduring hot and dry conditions, several dozen…
Hutchings, a fifth generation beekeeper who operates Debbee’s Bees, says the culprits got away with more than just her insects. “They had taken a bunch of my equipment and 10 big hives and the 16 nucs.” Nucleus colonies — or nucs — are small bee…
While foraging for food, insects detect floral scent molecules in the air. Wind currents can carry these molecules up to thousands of feet from their original source to where bees have their hives. “Many insects have nests that are up to 3,000 feet away from…
The hive of about 5,000 bees along with two varroa mites, which were detected on two of the bees, were destroyed by staff from the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources. Mr Weatherhead said testing will be done to see if the bees had any…