Educational Classes Monthly Presentation

IN PERSON August 19th Meeting @ 6:50PM with Phil Register – The Issues Concerning Our Bees And Beekeepers In August And September

Hello fellow Beekeepers!

Due to covid at Keith Fielder’s office he is unable to attend. We will attempt to secure a future date with our friend Keith Fielder. The plan is now for Phil Register to lead a discussion on issues concerning our bees and beekeepers in August and September. We will still make a recording to be posted at a later date. Please attend with your masks.

In person meeting-Not a virtual platform.

Thank you

BJ Weeks and Phil Register

Keith fielder is the speaker for our August 19th regular meeting of the Cherokee Beekeepers Club. Having been our speaker on several occasions, he can be relied on for timely and quality information for keeping bees.

Thursday, August 19th !

7:00 pm – We plan to have an open time for questions at 6:50pm

IN PERSON – @ Canton Moose Lodge (278 Moose Loop Rd, Canton) The correct door to enter is the door to the right on the back of the building

You are requested to wear a mask or stay more than 6’ apart at all times due to the uptick in COVID cases. No mask will be worn at the podium.

At 6 years old, Keith was at his grandfather’s side at the beehives. He has over 40 years of experience in keeping his own bees. He served Georgia Beekeepers as President and worked extensively developing the GA Beekeepers honey show. He was voted Beekeeper of the Year in 2009. Keith is the Putnam County UGA Extension Agent and fills the position of UGA ‘Regional Apicultural Specialist’ for the whole state. He is a good friend and I rely on him to understand the technical aspects relating to bees.

One of Keith’s passions is debunking bad information. On August 19th Keith will speak on “Varroa – The Variety of mite treatment – The Good Information and the Bad”

This will be an in-person meeting at the Canton Moose Lodge. We will record the meeting for our You-Tube series. We do need your continued attendance and participation in the club. More participation by members increases the impact on the region and allows quality interaction and networking between members and the community.

Around August 1st is the critical time to start your mite control to get your bees healthy for the winter. I am not available until Sept. 1, but have left a supply of Apiguard with Ryan Sarks if you need some. The cost is $3.75/tray and you will be provided the treatment information. The bees are hungry right now with not much nectar available. Don’t let your bees starve! 1:1 sugar syrup is a good mixture until October.

BJ Weeks

Cherokee Beekeepers Club